Absolute Perfect Pitch?
What is
The ability to easily and quickly identify notes in a song without needing an instrument to play them.
Fully Functional APP is the ability to play a song on an instrument easily, by only listening to it.
Fully Functional A.P.P. is a key component of musical genius.
Our techniques engage your natural photographic memory of sound, increasing cognitive learning speed up to 10x!
Absolute Perfect Pitch (APP) training enhances hearing acuity and expands the way we listen. Neurons in the brain are re-tasked as we focus our attention on the tonal colors of each note, changing and enhancing the auditory processing ability of the brain. The earlier a child can enter preschool music lessons or a children's music method, the easier it will be for them to play music by ear and learn perfect pitch.
Fully Functional A.P.P. gives the musician the ability to hear a note in a song and quickly use that information to play it. Figuring out how to play a song by ear becomes easy and natural, like speaking a known language.
Our wide variety of unique games and fun to play songs written with positive uplifting lyrics are the pinnacle of private lessons.
Parents learn alongside their children, creating a bond reinforced by patience and understanding. These strong connections are the foundations of Musical Families.
We set you up for success from the very first lesson. Become the high level musician you've always dreamed about, in a fraction of the time. Discover joyful, accomplished, and excited feelings every lesson. Our ongoing blogs address all areas of music education, with knowledgeable tips learned from a lifetime of teaching.
94.7% of our students are able to hear the difference between three (3) notes within three (3) months of starting with SensAPitch.
All SensAPitch music is grounded in established musical theory, allowing young students to learn complex classical musical terms without the stress or anxiety of a traditional musical education.
The 7 Signs of Musical Talent
Are you musical? Do you have musical traits?
Ever wondered about your natural musical potential?
Listen to Bonnie talk about each of the 7 Signs below.
How many musical signs do you have?

I sing and hum or make sound effects all the time.

I listen to the same song over and over again if I like it.

I get songs "stuck" in my head, even when the music is off.

I Love to dance and move around.

I like to play instruments around me.

I want to learn to play or sing music.

I have a close relative that is musical.